July 27, 2011

On the Way to the Fair

I can't wait for Friday cause it means that once again I get to spend time with the three most important woman in my life; Demi, Kayleigh and Sonny. I know what you guys are thinking: "Um Sterling, don't you spend everynight with Demi and your guys' daughters?" And the answer would be yes. When Demi was pregnant with Kayleigh we promised each other that all our children including our unborn daughter would be raised by their mommy and daddy and not some nanny like most celebrities do.

I mean yes I know that they are super busy with doing movies, TV shows and publicity events which doesn't leave time for spending much needed time with their children who didn't ask to be brought into the world of high class society where it seems like money can buy everything anyone might want and need. So in order to continue live the high life, the celebrities hire nannies who pretty much play the role of parents, you know with the whole raising the children to be as good people as possible.

The nannies forget to teach their young charges how to truly love someone, you know to love someone inside and out from their faults, interests and personalities no matter if you don't particularly love them, they are a part of the person you love so you learn to deal with them. The nannies may grow close to their charges since they raise the kids from birth but they can't get too close to the kids which means no affection is given to the child for fear the parents' would fire them for being "inapproriate" with their children. So the children learn that in order to get affection from someone they have to pay them.

But for Demi and me, we decided that we would raise our children the same way we ourselves were raised by our parents. We would raise our children in a house filled to the brim with love, understanding, honestly and support. Demi and I would shower our kids with lots of love, our undying attention aka if our kids need to talk about anything and everything that is happening in their lives Demi and I would drop whatever we are doing, no matter what, to sit down and listen to what our children have to say cause they are important to us and we wanted our children to know that whatever they want to do with their lives, that Demi and I support them.

So when Kayleigh and then Sonny was born, Demi and I decided that we ourselves would raise our daughters as normal little girls as possible with having two TV star parents. We didn't want our daughters to think that just becausde Demi and i had lots of money that they could become spolied brats who get used to expensive things and get whatever they want. We wanted to teach them the amount of a dollar and to appreciate what they have.

So both girls went to a local Catholic elementary school and so far are loving the school, I mean both girls had a wonderful teacher who encouraged her students to use their gifts with lots of encouragement and stickers by making school fun. And both girls have best friends who they share common interests with, Sonny with playing tag and hide and seek and Kayleigh with the Disney Princesses, so most weekends there was a number of gleefully screaming, very engergetic group of little girls in our house.

So when Sonny and Kayleigh brought home a permission slip to go to the town's local fair with Demi and I as cherpones I was excited. Well when I was a kid I loved the fair and everything that goes along with it; the rides, the games and the yummy goodies that just spelled out fair to me, so of course I was on board with taking my two little angels to the fair and if I got stuck on the rides or won a stuffed animal for my Dem Dem then all the better.

I don't know who was more excited about the fair, Kay, Sonny, Demi or me. Demi and I because we got to spend a fun filled day with our two little angels and each other where we don't have to worry about anything else, like what is going at the studios and how many things still need to be down at home or the studio, but trying make lasting memories with our angels.

With Sonny and Kayleigh, it was the fact that they got to spend some much needed time with mommy and daddy without them having to run to the studio or TV station and the only time Kay and Sonny see us is at night for dinner with some playtime before bedtime. The girls love spending anytime they can get with Demi and me, even when we are sitting on the couch reading our scripts and half listening to Kay and Sonny gushing about their adventures in Kindergarten. Anytime the girls get with their mommy and daddy, they are happy.

Demi and I wrote it on our calenders and whenever we were asked what on earth were we doing on the day we booked off, we gladly told them that we were going to be spending the day with our little girls and their classmates being kids outselves at the local fair. I had it all planned out, I would try to play some of the games to win a prize for each of my girls and earn me a sweet smile and a kiss on the check. Then I would take my little group of children, hopefully i would have at least one of my daughters in my group, to the different events and rides (age appropriate of course).

The day of the trip; Demi and I woke up at 6:30 am so we can have our showers and get ourselves ready before we had to wake the girls, Sonny is going to be the most difficult to wake up as she loves to cuddle with her teddy bear in her nice warm bed for as long as she can and becomes a grump when she is awken without the proper technique (whispering "Good morning sweetie, it's time to get up" in her little ear, then pepper tiny kisses on her little face, neck and the top of her curly auburn head until she groggly sits up and stretches, that is a sure sign that she's awake).

Man can I call it, Kayleigh was awake when I went into her room but stayed in her bed until I peppered her little face with kisses and whispered in her ear "Good morning honey" then she sat up and stretched and while in betwen yawns said "Good morning daddy. I hope you had nice dreams".

But poor Demi had a hard time getting Sonny up cause she kept getting hit in the head with Sonny's pillow, had to try to pry the pillow off her head after Sonny burrowed her head under it and then tickled her to get Sonny up all while using her gentle "mommy" voice telling her that it was time to get up cause mommy daddy, Kay and her had a fun day together but the fun couldn't start until she got up.

After a healthy breakfast of toast with peanut butter, Shreddies cereal and chopped bananas and Sonny and Kayleigh got dressed in blue jean shorts with a pale green shirt and blue jean overall shorts with a pink frilled shirt, we drove to St. Anne's Elementary School to meet up with the girls' Kindergarten class and the other parent cheperones. The girls were welcomed with lots of hugs and exclaimations of how excited they are about going to the fair today.

I'm so glad that both Kay and Sonny were put into mine and Demi's groups along with their friends cause it makes this day so much easier and funnier. The trip to the fair was loud as all the kids exclaimed what they were looking forward to at the fair but it was short trip. After the teachers had laid down the rules of the fair and told the parents when lunchtime was, it was time to explore the fair.

Demi and I stayed together in our small groups of 3 children each including our little girls, our first stop was to watch the dog jumping contest (dogs launching themselves off docks after their favorite toys and then seeing which dog jumped the farthest). It was quite entertaining, and it wasn't just because it involved dogs and I love dogs, some of the dogs would run headfirst down the ramp then hesitate at the end and would only jump in when encouraged by the crowd and their owners.

The girls' squeals filled the air everytime the dogs would jump in and then dog paddled over to their toy then back to their owners. After the contest was over, the girls pleaded with us to be able to go over to some of the owners to see if the girls could pet their dogs. After they got to pet some of the dogs and were licked all over their faces with lots of doggy kisses, it was time for some rides.

Demi and I took our little groups on the rotating cups where I was at the end so everytime the cups would go towards the end of the platform to spin back to the beginning the line of little girls on my side of the bech would slide across the bench to squish me, even though they aren't that heavy or big so them squished against me didn't hurt although I was pressed into a hard metal bar which poked me in uncomfortable places.

Then it was time for the ever popular merry go round, what child doesn't love this ride? I mean I liked it when I was a child, I used to pretend that I was a cowboy riding my horse collecting runaway cows and I'm pretty sure that Kayleigh was pretending to be a Princess riding in the open fields with the wind blowing in her long hair and flutterling her long dress as well as the horse's mane and tail. Demi spent the ride trying to comfort a little boy who was getting dizzy from all the motion of going around. We were both worried he was going to be sick all over himself but thank God he was ok after a few moments of sitting on the edge of the ride trying to regain his balance.

Next was a bit of a thrill for those little thrillseekers, a kiddie's rollarcoaster (you know the one that stays on the track and goes up small hills and down the other side but it doesn't go as high as the original ones). Sonny started a ritual of raising their little arms when the coaster went down the hill with cries of adorable shrieks, not of fear but of true excitement, which her classmates were more then willing to help her make it a ritual.

i even did it even though this was so tame compared to the coasters my brother, sister, Demi, our friends and me love to go on for our thrill seeking urge where we can scream our lungs out with delight at the twists and turns that the rides brings and throw our hands up in the air and wave them like we just don't care. Ok I don't have to ask Demi if that was lame cause I know it was :D.

The last ride was the bumper cars which showed me that when Kay and Sonny reach the age of being able to drive, Demi and me will have to be very patient and careful not being overly anxious, nervous and not be the type of parents that grips the armrests at every twist, turn and mistakes that the girls will make while learning to drive like proper citizens on the road.

All of the children were turning the wheels the wrong way so they were turning around in circles screaming for someone to help them cause they were getting dizzy or bumping into the other kids without meaning to and ending up in a hudle of cars. The kids who weren't in the hudle had a new game of following me and Demi around trying to bump into us from every side with the eviliest laughter ever heard from little kids. I pretended to jerk forward, which couldn't be good for my neck and back, with a sounds of groans and protest of a group of children ganging up on me but it was all for fun. I wanted to play my part in their little game.

After the bumper cars, it was time for lunch. Yummy cause Demi, Sonny, Kay and I worked together to make a super duper yummy lunch for the 4 of us to share which included bolgna and cheese sandwich on a white kaiser bun, a big thermos of fruity Koolade, homemade extra chcolate chip cookies that the girls and Demi made the previous Saturday afternoon and of course a yummy, juice filled fruit salad with only the freshest bannas, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pineapples and pears.

After lunch it was time to go on some of the attractions. the kids seemed to love bouncing in the Bouncing castle, they were screaming with joy trying to overjump their friends or seeing who could bounce the highest and touch the ceiling. Of course the little girls loved the pony rides cause they got to pretend that they were royal princesses being escorted by a groomsman during a parade in their honor where all their royal subjects come out of their houses to throw out flowers and well wishes.

Aww how sweet is Kayleigh, she saw that her younger sister was scared of sitting on the big thousand pound animal with a stranger being responsible for keeping her safe so she sat behind Sonny and Kayleigh whispered in her ear encouragements and patted her little hand when she got scared. What a good big sister, it makes my heart melt seeing their sisterly bond.

Next was the climbing, inflatable wall with a slide on the other side into a pool of balls. The kids scrambled up the first side usinng both their hands and feet to "walk" themselves up the wall with the help of the ropes achored to the top to assisat them in their climb and then when they reach the top with a squeal of delight they jump and slide down to the pool of balls. While there they would have a ball fight of flinging the balls at their friends below the waist but not very hard of course until the teachers and parents stopped the game before someone got hurt.

I couldn't keep my eyes off my two girls who climbed the wall,slid down the other side into the balls and got out to do it all over again all while holding hands and encouraging the other one when they seemed to have problems climbing with one hand and was slowing the pair down a bit but no matter how many times one had to stop to wait for their sister, Kayleigh and Sonny held tight to the other's hands and then skipped to the front to do it over again.

Then it was time for the groups to split up to do whatever they want for an hour before the buses came to take us back to the school to go home. So i decided to let most of the kids in Demi and mine's group to join their friends in the other groups leaving my family being able to spend some time together before going home.

I helped Sonny win a small teddy bear dressed in pink shorts and a t-shirt with pink sunglasses in the fish game, you know the game where you have a toy fishing line and you have to hook a fish "swimming" in the toy pond with the other fishes to win a prize. Good thing we had 3 tries cause it was harder then it looked, even with my gentle and steady hand it took us all 3 tries. But I got a kiss and a thank you from my littlest girl so it was totally worth it.

Next it was time for Kayleigh to win her pink stuffed doggy that she instantly called "Princess" from the shooting game, where you shoot a dart gun at balloons to deflate all 5 of them with 3 bullets. it didn't start out so good cause our 1st shoot we didn't hit any, then the next 2 shots got all 5 balloons. I once again stood behind Kay to assist her in shooting the gun and plus I didn't think it would be good for a 5 year old to handle a weapon so she needed daddy's help. I got a kiss from both "Princess" and Kay for the help.

I turned around to see what game I can play to win something for my angel aka Demi only to find her standing close to us with a very uncomfortable look on her face and body language because of the guy who was trying to put his arms around her wiast and I guess nuzzle her neck. I am the only one who can be all lovey dovey and up in her busines like that and dude check out my wife's, focus on the word wife, face and see that your actions were making her uncomfortable and quit it.

"Hey babe, why don't we ditch this place filled of brats and wannabe thrillseekers after I amaze you with my immense talents of course and win you one of those stupid stuffed animals." The dude actually tried to make himself have swagger and protray that he was all that and a stud when really he looked like a little boy playing dress up in his big brother's clothing to look "cool"" but he was failing terribly.

He swaggered over to the basketball game, where you have to land the basketball in the hoop as many times as you can in 1 minute, and after giving the guy in charge of the game his $2, he turned around to give Demi a wink, he got a eye roll in return and shoot his basketball into the hoop. The guy didn't get any baskets, he wasn't even close to the basket at all and even hit the guy in charge a couple of times which got him a dirty look.

"This game is totally rigged. No one can win this game besides why would a hottie like you want a stupid stuffed animal when you can have all this" then kisses his fake biceps as he flexes and poses. it was really hard not to laugh at his obvious faking of being a "man" but my sweet angel did the life lesson about not saying things thta aren't true about yourself in order to brag and not to flirt with a married woman.

Demi just stepped up to the game, put down her $2 and shot the ball into the basket 25 times flawlessly, dude you just got powned by my woman, The guy asked what prize she wanted after picking up his jaw off the floor at how well Demi did. Hey Demi might be a girl but she can definetly play as well as any man in any game and has beaten my tush a couple of times whehn we play together and I am proud to say that my wife is a worthy opponent.

Demi choose a purple unicorn, I am happy that she choose the unicorn cause unicorns are magical, pure and innocent which reminds me of my Demi but that animal isn't sleeping in our bed cause my wife is not going to be snuggling and cuddling with a stuffed animal all night when she has her very own real life cuddle buddy in me that is more then willing and able to cuddle and snuggle with her all night long. The girls can sleep with the unicorn if they want to.

After Demi had the stuffed horse in her arms, she dismissed the little boy with a wave of her fingers, hooked her arm into mine and lead the girls away from the booth after having embarassing the guy in front of his posse by beating him fair and square in his own game and putting him in his place at proving she is more woman then he could handle and that she was already taken, I mean how could anyone not notice a woman wearing an engagement and wedding ring and see her with children who look so much like her so obviously they are hers and think she's available to flirt with?.

That's my girl, not afraid to nicely but firmly tell people she doesn't appreciate being underestimated because she's a girl or put into the "girly girl" persona that means she is afraid to do anything strengous that might entail her to get done and dirty and break a nail and that she needs a man to complete her and tell her what to do. Demi might wear dresses, likes make-up, clothes and shoes but she defiently isn't a girly girl. That is one of the reasons why I love her, she is both kind of girls, a girly girl and a tomboy wrapped up in a beautiful packsage. Man I love her so much.

On the ride home, I almost fell asleep from all the excitment and fun times that my little family and I had today but it was hard cause I was squished between two very excited and anxious girls who talked about how much fun they had with mommy and daddy today at the fair and the new activiites they had planned for their new stuffed friends when we got home. I guess a nap will have to wait until after dinner and the girls are tucked into bed, when Demi and I are tucked into our own beds and each other's arms to sleep. What a perfect day at the fair,

July 20, 2011

Matchmaking for Stemi

Ok I am so estatic right now; I had just recieved one of the best news about a once in a million shot I never thought would be possible. I signed up for a contenst where a lucky person got the chance to take two of their friends to their favorite TV set on a dare cause I don't ever win anything important so I had no reason to assume that I would win. When I got the phone call from Family.ca that I had won the prize, at first I didn't believe them, I thought they were playing a trick on me or that I was dreaming. But after I pinched myself I tried to listen to what the producers were telling me about the details of how I and my two friends would arrive at the Sonny with a Chance set, the schedule of the day would be and how we would get home.

I was estatic to have the chance to go to the set of my favorite TV show "Sonny with a Chance" and get to meet the people who daily do and say the funniest things ever written designed to make the audience burst out in laughter and forget their life and its issues for 23 minutes each day. Plus I also got the one in a million chance to meet my idol and favorite singer\actor Demi Lovato who I had admired, loved and followed ever since I had first seen her face and heard her gorgeous singing voice in the first "Camp Rock" 3 years ago.

I had always wanted to meet Demi face to face and in as much of an even, easy, laid back, not showing how extremely nervous and excited I was to meet her voice tell her all the reasons why i love and admite her and even though I'm older then her see her as my role model in how I should live my life; helping others get over life's troubles and their own personal demons by letting them know that no matter what they did in their past ,they were never alone in their fight and being themselves the entire way is the only way to have the life they want.

Who am I trying to kid? If I ever met Demi face to face I would be a bundle of nerves, shuttering and tripping over my words which would include lots of "Ums" as I grasped for the correct words that will make me sound mature, calm and confident and not a scared spitless girl who is talking to her idol face to face. I had to tweet my good news to my friends on Twitter cause if I don't share my immense joy about winning the contest with someone I might burst plus I know that they will be just as estatic for me as I am.

Within minutes of tweeting my good news, I got a response from my two friends @StemiFlu and @SWACChannyFan who I had choosen to accompany me to the SWAC tour cause they are the two people who I talk to everynight for many hours. Plus us three girls are Stemi fans which means that any chance we can get to see the Stemi gooeyness and lovey doveiness that we have been talking about ever since the begininng of SWAC with our own eyes we will definetly do take it.

Jessica and Esther and me talked for days before hand about what we wish could happen, from what we were going to wear, what we were going to say to Demi, Sterling and the rest of the cast when we meet them and hoping that we would be very discreet about keeping our eyes peeled for moments where Sterling and Demi do something that isn't exactly "friend-like" even if it's a touch or a glance or what they whisper to each other in a corner and even be prepared to do some matchmaking although I think that Demi and Sterling's friends and co-stars have that part covered for many years. I bet they have been playing matchmaker for their darling and sometimes blind to their feelings for the other friends for years now but hey everyone needs help sometimes.

I took my very first plane ride to LA and it was a long 3 hour flight, because I was just so freaking excited that I got to go on a plane ride once again to the place where they say is the land of dreams so I couldn't sit still which annoyed my seatmate very much cause he was trying to read the newspaper. As I rode on the plane I tried to practice what I was going to say to Demi when I met her in my head but I guess I was saying stuff under my breath cause once again my seatmate was glaring at me. Opps sorry buddy I'm just too excited.

The cab drove me to the hotel whcih was quite impressive if i do say so myself. it had 15 floors and even the lobby was highly decorated with pillars of marble and highly detailed painting on the walls. I was going to meet Jess and Esther up in my room since our rooms were connected to each other by the doors in our rooms and I was excited to meet the girls I had been talking to for a year now in person and to experience this wonderful event in our lives together.

When I got to my room, my mouth dropped and my eyes bugged out. My room was amazing; it was bigger then my one at home with a big queen sized bed, a jacuzzi sized bathtub and a beautiful view of the nearest park. I had just dropped my bags when there was a knock on the door. I oppened it to find a young lightly tanned girl with long straight dark brown hair and eyes dressed in blue jeans and a white long sleeved shirt and another young girl with wavy black hair, light brown skin and brown eyes wearing dark blue jeans and a nice light red shirt greeting me.

By first glance, i assume they were Jess and Esther so since I'm a a hugger and we had been talking for awhile now I practically threw myself at them in a gigantic group hug which after a few minutes of probably thinking "What the heck is this girl doing?"they returned my hug then as we stepped back into my room, the excited chatter of how pumped we were about our tour, being in LA and meeting Demi and Sterling echoed in the room.

The day of the tour, I was up at 7 am cause I had a hard time falling asleep last night, my nerves about meeting Demi face to face and not sounding and looking like an idiot and my excitement about meeting my idol and seeing the set of my favorite TV show in person with my two friends. I woke up and dressed in my light blue jean capris and pink capped top, I had spent 20 minutes the previous night deciding what to wear cause I wanted to look perfect.

The taxi ride to the studio was spent with all our noses pressed to the window trying to memorize all the sights and sounds of LA that we wil always have in our long term memories of our trip of LA so there wasn't much talking being done. The studio was a big building with smaller TV show lots, "Sonny with a Chance" was lot #2 and a very chaotic place of extras, directors, costume designers and the other people who make the shows work running around in productive chaos as we walked in.

The director caught sight of us and with a big smile shook all our hands and welcomed us to the SWAC set. He began the tour at the studio's classroom where Alyson, Demi, Doug and Brandon went to school when they weren't on set, the crafts table where there were lots of yummy and fattening treats for the cast and crew which made me drool a bit cause it looked so yummy but I continued on.

Then it was time to go on set wherre Brandon, Doug and Alyson were pratcing their lines where "Zora" was trying to sell the use of her snake to "Grady" and "Nico" to get the pretty extra to notice "Nico" and from the sidelines it looked really funny. We found Tiffany in the "prop house" which looks exactly like in the show. Tiffany was super nice as was Doug, Brandon and Alyson when the director intrupted their scene to meet us.

We got hugs and warm hellos from all the cast as we stared wide eyed at them, we knew they were friendly and down to earth but we never expected them to be this warm and welcome towards us at first meeting. They even invited us to sit with them in one of their dressingrooms for a luncheon with all the cast so we can ask any questions we might have and "hang out". That sounds like a wonderful dream that neither of us want to wake up from.

We found Demi in her dressingroom curled up in her wheelie chair bent over a notepad scribbling something furiously. She must have been writing another one of her heart warming personal songs and was really writing down her thoughts and feelings as her pen was moving at the speed of light. When the director knocked on her door lightly and asked if he could come in, Demi closed her notepad with a smile and gestured us in.

I think my eyes bugged out of my head and my mouth dropped right to the floor with my brain and my mouth not communicating at all with the other one so the words i wanted to say in order for me to appear mature and confident in myself in front of my idol wasn't coming out when I wanted them to.

And it seemed like Jess and Esther were having the same problem as me but Demi, being her down to earth, sweet, welcoming and personable woman she was, she just smiled at us and welcomed us to the SWAC set and said about how she hoped we could join her and her friends for a lunch so they could get to know more about us and us about them. When we got our voices back, Jess asked what she was writing and could we have a sneak peak.

Demi blushed a little and ducked her head in embarassment at being caught as she said that she was writing something very personal to her heart and that no matter how much she wished she could share it with us, she wrote it for a very special person in her heart and wanted them to be the first person to read it before she shared it. Hmm I wonder who the special person in Demi's heart could be that she's writting about? My mind was pleading for it to be a love letter to Sterling.

Demi told us that she would walk us to the set so we can actually watch her and her friends practice their scenes together. As we walked, Demi,Jess, Esther and me talked about everything from how we were liking LA, the set and what kind of fun things do we do in our hometowns, um my life is pretty boring, like we had been friends for forever and not that we had just met 10 minutes ago.

When we got to the set, Sterling was missing so the director sent us to retrieve him, oh I know that Jess will love that task :). We found a very adorable and sweet sight; Sterling with a picture of Demi in his hand and he was walking at a lesuiring pace around his dressingroom, I guess he was practicing telling Demi he loves her as more then "just friends" before telling Demi in real life so he does'nt sound like a voice cracking, teen boy who doesn't know what to do with his hands and his brain and mouth don't communicate when the time comes.

Why on earth couldn't he have said those beautiful, touching from the heart speech to Demi face to face 2 years ago? Cause if a handsome, sweet, caring, sensitive romantic guy were to describe the reasons why he loves me, I will no longer be a person but become a puddle of mush on the floor and I would defiently throw myself into his arms smothering his face with kisses.

I'm sure that if Demi ever heard the sweet, romantic and from the heart speech that Sterling was telling "picture" Demi, I'm sure that Demi would tear up, throw her arms around Sterling's neck, in between kisses exclaim how she has been in love with him for the same amount of time as he has and will be his forever to love and adore.

He quickly turned around when we knocked on the door, we really didn't want to ruin this sweet moment but we knew that Sterling really was needed on set and we didn't want to get into trouble with the director for not bringing him as quickly as we can. When Sterling saw it was us, he blushed a deep red at his most intimate thoughts and feelings out in the open for anyone to hear.

We really should have just kept our mouths shut about what we heard and saw in Sterling's dressingroom but something inside us sparked us to step into the room, close the door and do something about Demi and Sterling being afraid to tell the other person their true feelings for the other person cause if we needed to be the driving force to knock some sense into their heads about finally confessing their true feelings for the other then so be it , it is a shot we have to take. Here goes nothing.

"How much did you ladies hear?" Sterling asked in in a nervous stuttery voice that just begged for us to say that we hadn't heard who he was talking about and thought he was practicing for the show. He wouldn't look us in our eyes. Sorry Sterling we can't lie of what we heard no matter how hard you want us to, it's yours and Demi's love at stake.

"Well first of all, my name is Kim, this is Jessica and Esther and we are only 3 of the people online who think that you and Demi are a match made in heaven, God couldn't have made a more perfect couple then you two. We have seen how you two can't seem to help gushing about how talented and how wonderful the other person is at every turn, sometimes even without being asked."

"Kim's right. And don't you go and say that you brag about all your friends when asked about them cause a blind person can see how you and Demi both light up with an inner light that just shows how much you guys love each other as well as in your facial expressions and body language. You guys have been best friends for 2 years so you and Demi know the other person's heart and soul so please gather up your nerve and tell Demi of your love before it's too late and you kick yourself about not taking a chance at true love" - Jessica

"I agree with both Kim and Jess. You should never be scared of true love cause it's a beautiful gift from God and should be treasured with your heart. I think that you and Demi should "borrow" some of the cafe's food and have your own private picnic under the sun where you both lay your hearts and feelings on the line so Demi and your's happy ever after can start today. We aren't trying to be pushy or mean, we love both you and Demi and we want you guys to be truly happy so please just think about what we have to say"- Esther

Sterling looked at us with wide eyes and mouth, what did he really think that he could fool his and Demi's loyal fans about his love for Demi? I don't think so boy, I mean you and Demi are wonderful actors but you can't fake the heart's emotions. All he did was nodd at us, mutter "excuse me" and walk out of the room. We had to follow him to see if he took our advice plus we are a bit nosy so we have to follow our nosiness to see what happens next.

We followed close behind Sterling, without shadowing him too closely, and saw him going over to Demi who was getting lunch from the crafts table, take her elbow, whisper in her ear that made her smile and nodd and they both piled two plates full of foot then Sterling, sterring her with a hand on the small of her back, led her outside the studio doors to the nearest shady tree where they set up a picnic.

Jess, Esther and I watched from behind the nearest tree that we could find where we could still hear and see what was being said and done but without technically evesdropping. We had to hold in our squeals of joy as we heard the carefree, easy going conversation turning into a serious more turn when Sterling gently tucked a piece of hair behind Demi's ear and then left his hand on her check.

"Demi, I got a major eye openner from the 3 girls who are our visitors today about something I have kept hidden deep in my heart but it is time to let it out so please listen to me before talking. Sterling took a deep breath then went on. Demi I have been in love with you since the day, June 14, 2008 at 9:25 am, our eyes met, but your warm, caring about others and doing everything in your power and with the many gifts and talents that God has given to you to better other people's lives made me fall even more in love with you. You have been in my heart and mind for the past 2 years and everything I have said and done made me think of you since you are in my heart 24\7. I knew that there is a slim chance of you loving me in the same depth that I do but I know in the depths of my heart that what I feel for you is true love. Please say something or I might have to run away like a scared little boy"

As Sterling was pouring out his heart to her, Demi teared up as she gazed deep into his eyes to see into his heart. Demi's answer was to throw herself onto him and in between smoothering his face with kisses said "How could I not fall in love with such a sweet, sensitive, caring, down to earth and family and friend oriented young man who knows what to say and do to take a girl's breath away, make her heart skip a beat only to speed up a second later and how to make a girl feel like she's the only woman in your life. I love you so much, with all my heart and soul and this is definetly true love sweetie. "

With those words, the smooching began and right on the lips too. It was like a scene from a romantic movie, a young couple in love kissing on a picnic lunch date while the rest of the world just blurs away leaving the couple in a love bubble that can't be contaminated or disturbed in anyway. We actually had to put our hands on the other girls' mouth to stifle their squeals of excitement; um hello who wouldn't squeal when their ultimate dream is coming true right in front of your eyes. Ok so I don't know what Jess and Esther are thinking but my two thoughts are; Stemi is finally here and man are Jess, Esther and me good at matchmakings so we should open our own matchmaking office.

July 08, 2011

Mistaken Indentities=Fun

Ok so today has been one of the best and ackward day at the same time. I mean what I experienced today wasn't suppose to be something I should be thinking about since Demi and I have been dating for a year and a half now but today put thoughts in my head that i quite enjoyed thinking about.

I should start at the beginning to explain myself. It all started when Tiffany and Chris went to a movie and dinner one Saturday evening, I think they were going to see "Mr Pooper's Penguins" and dinner at East Side Marios, and Demi and I were asked if we could babysit their nine month old daughter Jennifer or ``Jenny`` as she is affectionatley called for the night.

I adore that little girl but who wouldn`t. I mean with Tiff`s blonde hair which makes the sunlight bounce off it and is naturally wavy and bouncing and of course her smile complete with dimples, but Jenny`s smile has nothing on Demi`s million dollar smile that brightens a room and makes people want to smile just as big cause her smile heck her personality makes your heart feel happier, and Chris`s brown eyes that Tiffany tells me in her ``I`m so in love that I can`t help but gush about my man`` voice makes her melt like chocolate on a hot summer day and Jenny is a very beautiful baby girl even at 9 months.

As well as being a little beauty, she could probably win if she was ever entered in a ``beautiful baby contest``, Jenny is also a sweet little baby, she is always smiling, giggling and chattering in her baby talk and she hardly cries unless she needs something, like food or cuddles. Speaking of cuddles, Jen loves them, she will actually snuggle really close to you and bury her little head into your shirt and clutch your shirt in her tiny little hands. Can you tell I really love Jen as if she`s my own?. :). What can i say I`m a proud uncle.

That`s right, I might not be related biologically to Jen but I have known Tiffany and Chris for many years and feel like they are my siblings like with my other friends, to me we are all one big family filled with love and support for each other. So Demi and me are called "Auntie Demi"and "Uncle Sterling``.

As soon as I found out that Tiffany and Chris wanted me to babysit Jenny, I thought about babysitting with Demi cause anything done with Demi is fun even if it's not designed to be fun like learning lines or cleaning the backyard. Plus it gives me a chance to spend time with my two favorite girls in the world so what else could a guy ask for?. I love spending time with Demi, whenever I do my whole day is brighter and makes it so much better even if I only spend an hour or less with her.

Demi, of course jumped on the chance to spend time with her niece cause she loves Jenny as much as I do. Whenever Demi sees Jenny, she scoops her up in her loving, snuggly, warm and loving arms and smothers her little face with her sweet and addictive kisses, which I love getting although I usually get them right smack on the lips but they always make me melt into the floor and my heart feels like it is flying out of my chest, and cooes to her in her baby voice about how adorable she is and how much she loves her, I love hearing how much Demi loves me cause sweetie I love you a whole lot like with all my heart and isn't afraid to say and show it.

I had the whole day planned out so that I could enjoy every moment with my girls, even though Demi and I talk, either through tweeting on our phones, text messages or actually calling each other, almost everynight for at least 3 hours about what is happening in our life and random stuff that happened to us that day, it is never too much time for me to spend with the woman I love. If I had my choice, I would spend as much of the 24\7 hours each day with my sweetie, I know that Demi and I need other interests besides spending time with the other one or our relationship might be boring but as I said before I love spending time with my sweetie.

I want Demi and me to be one of those relationships that lasts forever until death parts us, no even after that, even though Demi and I have only been dating for a year and a half, I have known her for 3 years and that is a long time to really get to know someone's heart. And I know my own heart and it is saying that Demi is my one and only, my dream girl, the woman I will one day marry and my parents taught me to follow my heart so I'm going with my heart on the issue of Demi and me lasting.

Demi looked comfy but adorable in a pale blue short jumpsuit that showed off her long legs and paired with her black wavy hair piled up in a messy bun on top of her head and her matching blue sandals, I couldn't take my eyes off her but then again I already knew that being able to take my eyes off Demi whenever she's in the room was a big problem for me.

No fair, I got a sweet but way to short of a hello kiss and a warm, snuggly but once again too short of a hug from my girl before she rushed to Jenny in her playpen, scooped her up and smothered her tiny little pudgy faces with kisses while cooing to her about how happy "Auntie Demi" is to be able to spend the day with her and Uncle Sterling. Hey I know you love Jenny but there is a guy in the room who would love to have the same amount of kisses and snuggles that you are giving to this little girl so could you please put Jenny back in the playpen and give me some more kisses and snuggles? Pretty please :(.

After I got the hug and kisses i desperatley wanted, after clearing my thoart to get Demi's attention, holding out my arms and pouting a bit, we smothered Jenny with sunscreen and a sunhat cause we don't want a red, sunburnt baby on our hands cause I'm pretty sure Tiff and Chris would be mad at us if we returned Jenny sunburnt. Man they don't make child carseats easy, it took both me and Demi to strap Jenny in and even Jenny got frustrated, Demi had to soothe her with soft songs and words to stop her from fussing and squirming.

When we got to the park, after a car ride filled with sing along with Barney, Demi took Jenny into the girl bathroom to change her into her frilly pink one piece swimsuit. I didn't go right into the wading pool straight away because I wanted to give myself a chance to gaze upon the beautiful young woman and the adorable child splashing away. Demi had Jen on her lap and was gently splashing water on her legs and the top of her head to get her used to the water and Jen loved it, she was laughing and giggling the most adorable baby giggle and kicking her legs.

Then it was time for some serious water fun; Demi held her up as she kicked her feet again this time splashing the water upward and soaking her little legs with a giggle. Then Demi gently sat her down on her diaper butt so that she could splash with her tiny hands while leaning against Demi's legs since she wasn't quite yet able to sit up by herself yet.When Jen was starting to get fussy, Demi scooped her up and holding her under the arms she swung her back and forth so that her little feet graze the water while making airplane noises of them swooching sounds in the air.

From Jenny's squeals of joy and Demi's melodious laughter that rang out like bells in my ears, I could tell that both girls are having a blast. Then it was time for Jenny to come out of the water cause she was starting to get fussing. While I dressed Jenny in her adorable polka dotted t-shirt, shirts and a clean diaper, I peppered her little face with kisses, played with her little fingers by counting them and doing "This Little Piggy" song and talked to her in a baby voice about how she looked like she was having a fun time with "Auntie Demi". I was trying to stop her from fussing cause like every baby, she doesn't like to be naked for too long.

Then it was time for some tag team playing, Demi and I both played with Jenny by laying her on her tummy on a blanket and dangling some of her favorite toy in her eye gaze but within her reach so she could learn how to hold her head up and still reach for things in order for her to one day learn how to crawl and walk. Demi and I laid on our tummies and shook the toys from side to side so that Jenny could hear the sounds her toys made and reach for them.

Then it was for tickle time for everyone involved, Demi started to tickle Jenny under her plumb chin, arms and side as Jenny giggled and laughed and tried to roll away from her auntie's wandering little fingers, I tickled her cause a guy especially this guy loves hearing his woman laugh and knowing that he was the reason for the laughter and as Demi tried to roll away from my tickling fingers she tried to tickle me but her efforts were kind of weak cause I made sure she didn't get too close to me in order to tickle me cause I am super ticklish.

I could see the slight older then us couple sitting beside me watching Demi and Jenny cuddling close as Jenny was having her lunch bottle and Demi was lightly hummy to her and swaying back and forth (man Demi would make a wonderful mommy to her kids, she's so gentle, kind, loving and supportive so she would be the parent who would always let her kids know that she's has their back and will always love them no matter what they do). The guy was practically drooling all over himself as he watched Demi, um ok dude I know that my woman is gorgeous but stop looking at her like she's a piece of meart. She's a human being and an angel who deserves to be treated with the upmost respect and devotion as does anyone and not as an object to oggle over.

What the heck? The guy didn't even seem to notice I had not only cleared my throat to get his attention off my sweetie but also said out loud: "Um could you please stop staring at my wife? She's not an object to oggle at, she's a human being who deserves to be respected. Thanks" before turning back to watching Demi and Jenny interacting.

I know that I had just lied and hopefully no one reads the gossip magazines and challenge my claim that Demi and I are married cause neither I or Demi are wearing rings. The words just leaped from my lips before I could stop them and calling Demi my wife felt so right, it flowed from my lips like I had described Demi my wife hundreds of time so it was like a second nature to me.

Oh I'm liking the mental image of Demi wearing my ring and us spending the rest of our lives together, our love growing stronger each day and taking the joys and pains that life gives to us and facing it together as partners in life made my heart feel lighter and a smile grow on my face. This couple probably also thinks that Jenny is mine and Demi's daughter which is also a happy thought.

I always wanted to get married and have kids, at least two, cause I love children, watching them develop and mature into wonderful young adults who try their hardest to use the gifts God gave them to better the world a little more by helping others reach their potential. Plus I have been told that I'm a big kid that knows how to have fun with kids and not care what people think of him and the idea of raising children with Demi is a wonderful mental image of mine.

The guy didn't listen to my kind warning and continued to stare at my woman until his wife hit him over the head and when he turned towards her she glared at him."Um I think this nice young man told you to stop gawking at his wife and plus um hello do you think you could remember that your own wife is sitting right next to you and will kick your butt serious if you ever look at another woman besides me. God Herald this man is a family man with a young daughter, get a hold of your hormones.

I'm so sorry sir for my immature husband's uncomfortable looks at your wife. May I just say that you, your wife and your daughter make an adorable family. Your daughter is the perfect combination of both you and your wife, she has your hair and your wife's eyes and smile complete with dimples. You both are so lucky, I wish I had as beautiful of a family as you and your wife do" Then she turned back to facing her husband and gave him grief about openly oggling another woman in her presence and I went back to gazing lovingly at the two woman of my life.

Then it was time to bring Jenny home cause her mommy and daddy were going to be home soon and I'm sure that they wanted to spend the rest of the day with their precious daughter. After another version of "How to strap Jenny into her carseat before she starts fussing?" it was time to drive home. I wonder how our friends will react to the knowledge that someone thought Demi and I were not only married but have a 9 month old baby, they will probably laugh their heads off and tease us for a week that we must have looked so "couply" and lovey dovey like always so as to convince people we are married and have a child and how we must have hated having to "pretend" to be married for one whole day. Oh well I enjoyed my day with Jenny and Demi too much to care how much teasing our friends will give Demi and me.